Showing posts with label Natural Skin Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Skin Care. Show all posts

Maintain Youthful Glow

Posted by Sobia Junaid on Thursday, September 10, 2009

We all will age with the passage of time. It is natural phenomenon from which none of us can take release, no matter how much science progresses. The physical changes that announce the arrival of old age include graying hair, receding hairline and wrinkled skin.
These natural alterations are accompanied by other bodily changes such as memory loss and a host of various diseases associated with old age. But, we can successfully slow down the process of aging.
The anti aging creams and the numerous other modes of available medications are increasingly becoming infamous for their terrible side-effects. It is advisable to go for natural ways of anti-aging. The most effective way to enjoy that enviable youthful glow is to strengthen your immune system.
The most basic step to boost our immunity level is to ensure the daily intake of a balanced diet. The food materials that you choose to have should be high in their nutritious content. As we age, it is always wise to bring down the daily calorie intake. Food stuffs that are high in oil, salt, sugar, fat and bad cholesterol should be taken away from your menu card.
A fiber-rich diet should be essentially practiced. A diet rich in calcium will save you from many bone disorders such as osteoporosis. Inactivity is sure to make your body host many diseases. After consulting with an expert, an effective exercise regimen should be made part of your routine.
In this way, you will able to save your body from most of the cardio-vascular health hazards. It should also be ensured that both your body and mind is free from physical and mental over-strain. Adequate rest is also extremely important in remaining youthful even as you age.
One nice thing to consider as well is at least taking some time to visit your health professional for regular check ups. These can be done, along with a balanced diet, by taking some vitamin and food supplements.
There are indeed natural ways to help you still enjoy a quality life and a healthy golden era with the same physical glow and strength as those of your younger years.
All you need add up is the positive thinking that aging is all in the mind and that with a constant healthy disposition in life free of unhealthy stress, you can fight back the negative signs of aging.

Remove Freckles

Posted by Sobia Junaid

*It is better to stay away from the exposure to sun as far as possible. If you are going out, do not forget to apply a sunscreen lotion that contains at least 20 SPF.
*Retinol is popularly used to treat freckles and has proved to be quite effective as well. However, retinol products should be used over a long period of time, in order to be useful.
*You can opt for laser treatment for getting rid of freckles on your face. Treating the freckles with chemical peels is also recommended by many dermatologists.
*Bleaching agents are commonly used for the removal of freckles on face. However, you should be cautious while using bleach, because it contains harsh chemicals that may lead to scars. Make sure that the bleaching powder is not too strong. One option is to stick to herbal bleach.
*Daily care and protection of your skin can fade away the freckles effectively. Rinse your face with sour milk at least twice a day. The lactic acid present in milk will help lighten the freckles to quite an extent.
*Lemon is a natural bleach, which can be used as a face wash for treating freckles. Rub lemon juice onto the affected area, at least twice a day. For sensitive skin, soaking a cotton swab in lemon juice and wiping your face with it will be helpful in getting rid of the freckles.
*Face masks made of mashed cucumber, apricots or strawberries are also effective in lightening freckles. Apply the pack on your face and leave it on for ten minutes. Thereafter, peel off the pack and wipe your face with a soft cloth. Repeat the process twice a week for best results.
*Make a mixture of the juices of parsley, lemon and orange. Add the mixture to your face cream. Make sure that your cream contains Vitamin E. Apply a little amount of cream on your face at least twice a day. This will help you get rid of the freckles easily.
*Increase the intake of Vitamin C, as the nutrient helps lighten freckles. Eat citrus fruits like orange, lime and grapes, for the purpose. You should also add tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage to your diet.

Improve skin complexion

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Lime or lemon juice, turmeric, honey, etc are natural bleach that improve complexion. They remove tan and make your skin fairer. (Note that lemon juice is more effective than lime juice for getting fair complexion). Cucumber juice can be applied on dry as well as oily skin to get fair complexion. To make cucumber juice, grate (kaddukash) cucumber (with skin) and squeeze it. Only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon is sufficient for a single application

Dark Circles Under Eyes Remedy

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Try one home remedy at a time to get rid of the dark circles.
Drink at least ten glasses of water everyday.
Take all precautions to avoid strain on the eyes.
Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, specially for people having dark circles under their eyes.
Do not leave cream on the skin around the eyes for long periods. Remove the cream applied around the eye after 10 min. No cream should be left on the skin around the eyes for long periods.
Close your eyes and cover eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water and apply a cream.
Make a 1:1 mixture of fresh potato and cucumber juices. Soak some cotton and put on your eyelids and keep for 20 minutes. Wash your eyes with cold water.
Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice (equal parts) on the dark circles 2 times a day.
Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes.
Crush some mint and apply it around the eye.
Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the improvement. Almond is very good skin food and helps to remove dark circles.
Rub the area with a powdered Vitamin E capsule and wipe off with a mixture of honey and egg white. This will reduce darkness around the eye.
Put hot and cold clothes alternatively under eyes for 10 minutes. Then apply some almond oil on the dark surface before going to bed.
The acuupressure point for eyes is on the mount below the index finger of your palms. Pressing this mount may help.

Natural Skin Whitening Tips

Posted by Sobia Junaid on Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Honey & Almond Face Mask
Mix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and ½ tsp of almond oil.
Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan.
Oatmeal & Tomato Face Mask
Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face.
Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
Milk & Lime Face Mask
A tbsp of gram flour mixed with 2 tsp of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin.
Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off.
Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week.
Tomato Juice & Lime Face Mask
Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face.
Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results.

Natural Look with Make-up

Posted by Sobia Junaid

One of the first and most crucial choices to make when first considering wearing the natural look is to choose your foundation, concealer and blush colour. For ethnic skins these should be yellow in tone. For African - American it is advisable to use light, medium and dark tones so that you can match the different gradiations of skin colour. The correct colour of foundation will disappear when applied onto your face.
Blush colour should match the colour of your cheeks after exercise. When selecting colours (particularly foundation) this should be done in daylight to give you the truest picture.
Contrast your make up, e.g. have strong eyes or strong lips, not both.
Always blend your make up in well to avoid streaks. Make sure you cleanse your face well before applying any makeup, this ensures an even look all over. Keep brushes clean by washing them in warm water and soap. It is worth investing in a selection of good quality brushes as this will save you time and effort in the long run. Do not use any make up that you have had for over 2 years - it is a false economy and will be hard if not impossible to achieve a natural look.
To take the natural look into the evening - simply intensify the colours. This can be done by using darker or brighter colours, e,g using charcoal eye shadow instead of brown. Try adding shimmer to your lipstick for a more made up look.
The amount of make up you choose to wear is an individual choice, to achieve the natural look it is the colours that are important not necesarily the amount.

How to Cure Pimples? 5 Ways to Cure Pimples

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Pimples can be a hassle to get rid of. They are embarrassing, will lower your self-esteem, and are frustrating to deal with. So, what I’m going to do is share with you some ways on how to cure pimples. That way, you will be more confident, and have clean and clear skin.
The 5 ways to cure pimples are:
1. Toothpaste is way to cure your pimples. What you should do is apply a small drop of toothpaste onto your pimples. Allow it to sit there overnight and when you wake up, you can wash it off.
2. Another way to cure pimples is to drink water. There are a lot of toxins that are in your bloodstream, which will cause you to breakout. So, when you drink plenty of water, you are able to flush out the toxins from your body. You should drink at least 8 cups of water.
3. Glycerin or sorbitol soap is another way to cure pimples. An example of this soap is neutrogena. Make sure you wash your face at least two times a day. This soap is gentle and will be effective at helping you get rid of your pimples.
4. Another way to cure pimples is to apricot juice. Apply apricot juice to your pimples for ten minutes a day. Do this everyday or until you are satisfied with the results.
5. Healthy foods is another way to cure your pimples. Foods that are loaded with sugar, saturated fats, and vegetable oils will cause you to breakout. These foods causes an imbalance with your hormones and an insulin spike.
An example of these foods includes cakes, chips, sugary sodas, fast food burgers and fries, chocolates, and other junk foods.
The foods you should eat are fruits, veggies, whole wheat foods, nuts, lean meats (turkey, tuna, lean beef, chicken breast), and other healthy foods.
Make sure you don’t squeeze or pop your pimples. If you do, you will irritate them and cause them to spread. Also, don’t touch your skin with oily or dirty hands. This will irritate your skin and pimples, and will cause a severe breakout.
These are some ways on how to cure pimples. Use these tips to cure your pimples the easy way. If you don’t do something about your pimples now, they will spread. Your pimples could spread over your whole body, which includes your butt, chest, and back.

Daily Hair Care Tips and Advice

Posted by Sobia Junaid

• Henna soaked in water of used tea bags, coffee powder, amla powder and onion peels can make for a excellent conditioner giving your hair the much needed boost.
• What you eat is reflected in the state of your hair. A hair-healthy diet includes a wide variety of foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water. A daily multivitamin will ensure that your hair is getting all the nutritional support it needs. Stay away from processed foods, alcohol and cigarettes.
• Massage the scalp regularly to encourage oil production.
• After swimming, wash your hair as soon as possible to remove chlorine residue.
• The number one problem affecting long hair is breakage, usually seen as shorter, fly-away strands, or split ends. From the moment you wake up to the time you go to sleep and even as you sleep, there are many factors that can lead to hair breakage.
• Separate hair into small sections. With a wide-tooth comb, such as our Long Hair Comb , carefully work from the ends in a downward direction only. Use only a wooden or tortoise shell comb - never rubber. Do not pull or yank hair.
• Air-dry whenever possible.

Wrinkle Remover

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Green Thompson seedless grapes! It has one of the ingredients in those big time expensive wrinkle creams.
All you do is cut a grape in half and gently crush it on your face and neck. Make sure that you get the “crows-feet” and the lines around your mouth. Leave it on for twenty minutes or so and rinse with tepid water and pat dry.
Repeat every day and before you know it… those nasty old lines will be hard to find!
Don’t forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. And… eat veggies rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots, celery and spinach.
If you can, get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Oily Skin - Scrubs

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Ingredients Needed:
* 1 tsp plain yogurt (I chose Balkan Style)
* the juice of 1/4 of an orange
Stir to mix and then dip fingers into mixture and smooth onto face. The sensation is both cool and relaxing. Leave on for a five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the perfect mask for you.
* Yogurt will cleanse and nourish your skin
* The orange is full of Vitamin C and AHA’s

Orange Yogurt Mask

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Ingredients Needed:
* 1 tsp plain yogurt (I chose Balkan Style)
* the juice of 1/4 of an orange
Stir to mix and then dip fingers into mixture and smooth onto face. The sensation is both cool and relaxing. Leave on for a five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the perfect mask for you.
* Yogurt will cleanse and nourish your skin
* The orange is full of Vitamin C and AHA’s

Face Pack for Pimples

Posted by Sobia Junaid

There are so many face pack for pimples available in the market.But here I am suggesting a method as a package.This package may help to remove all most all sorts of pimples.Use this face pack for pimples daily for one week if you have severe pimples.
* Ripe papaya
* Cinnamon powder
* Leaves of mint/tulsi/neem
Get few pieces of RIPE papaya.Mash it into a thick paste. Take 3 tsp.of papaya paste and add 1/2 tsp.of cinnamon powder.Mix well.Add 1tsp.of tulsi or neem or mint powder.If it is available use fresh leaves of it.Mix everything and get a loose paste.If needed add a little water.

Beauty Care Tips

Posted by Sobia Junaid

There is no denying of the fact that tips can make life better in all aspects. Be it health tips or kitchen tips or hair care tips, they improve life in all possible ways. With any kind of health tips a person can get cured from ailments. Health tips can be an effective way of healthy living.

On the other hand with some good cooking tips one can enhance her cooking skill. The on beauty are probably the most popular and effective. A nice beauty tip from a beauty expert can eradicate someone's skin problem for ever. People are trying different tips on different fields of life and getting benefited. Life can be entirely changed by effective use of tips. These days tips have become so popular that many television are conducting shows on tips. Many female magazines have regular columns on beauty tips and health tips. Regular female magazine readers have the option of sending questionnaire on beauty or health issues to the experts. The experts reply to those questions with appropriate tips on how to eradicate the problem. Again cookery tips are very popular on the shows on culinary arts as aired on various television channels. In a nutshell, with the proper application of different tips given by experts can improve someone's day to day life to great extent.

Most people take care of their face and concentrate only on face related beauty tips. What they forget is to take good care of their feet which results in incomplete makeover. An unkempt feet can ruin an entire make over of a person. A nice pair of feet complements a pair of nice sandals. To avoid a cracked feet and to make sure you do justice to your sandals, one should follow some effective pedicure tips by an beauty expert. One should first remove polish from the toe nail. In a tub full of warm water, one should add some bath salts and one tablespoon of olive oil. Feet should be soaked for 15 minutes. Then one should scrub the feet to remove ex foliating skin. Finally rinse feet with cold water and dry feet with clean towel.

Taking care of hand nails and hand in general is technically called manicure by beauty experts. Manicure tips from beauticians can eradicate various skin problems effectively. Being derived from the Latin word manus which means hand and cura which means care, it is a very popular way of enhancing one's beauty of hands. One can follow some simple manicure tips to get a soft and beautiful pair of hand. In the first place one should remove the polish with a cotton moistened with polish remover. One should start that process of removal from base to tip. The next step is to give the nail a proper oval shape. The the nails should be filed from corner to center. Fill a finger bowl with soapy water and dip the fingers to soften the cuticles. Use a cuticle pusher to gently remove the cuticle. Cuticle nippers should be used to removed the dead cuticle. By applying the polish with gentle Coates and giving the final touch by applying lotion completes the manicure process.

The fashion magazines have a regular column of hairstyle tips. A new hair cut can change the entire look of a person. One can find information on innovative hair styles, hair care, latest fashion trends for hair and advice on choosing hairstyles for various occasions in different fashion magazines. Various websites also offer these information. Giving your hair an innovative trendy cut can add to the glamor quotient of a person. A funky spike or a trendy bob can give a huge change in the hairstyle of a person. One can use imaginative hairstyles to give his or her personality an individuality. Thanks to the various websites and fashion magazines that a person can get effective hairstyle tips.

Now a days people can get various hair care tips from different websites. A major part and parcel of hair care involves proper conditioning of the hair with a branded herbal conditioner. Usage of proper herbal hair products as advised by the beauty experts can cure damaged hair. Hair fall, dandruff problems can be permanently cured by the proper usage of hair care products. A good advice from a hair expert or a proper hair care tip can help in maintaining the growth of a damaged hair caused by coloring. Those who wish to perm their hair can very well do it at home instead of going to a parlor with a proper hair care tip from an expert.

To get freedom from wrinkle problem around the eye corners and to eradicate the dark circle problems one should follow the following eye care tips. Effective application of various eye care tips can gift some one a healthy and beautiful pair of eyes. One effective eye care tip is to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Carrots, drumsticks, spinach, papaya, and mangoes contain a rich content of beta carotene which keeps eye healthy and problem free. One should involve himself in regular exercise work to improve on blood circulation. This provides adequate oxygen to the eyes. Take rest in regular intervals to give proper rest to the eyes. The best medicine to keep your eye healthy is to drink a lot of water. Usage of milk as a cleanser to gently rub your eyes gives natural freshness to the eyes.

To get rid of problematic gums, dental decay, bleeding gums, one should effectively apply dental tips from experts or doctors. With the increasing tooth loss, the various websites are posting articles on dental care and offer various dental care tips. One can get benefited with the dental tips to avoid suffering caused by dental diseases. One effective tip is to a avoid consumption of sugar, soft drinks, lemonades, cereals,. Cakes, biscuits, puddings, jams , breads should be avoided to keep a healthy teeth. Chocolates, peppermints, sweets should be avoided as far as possible. One effective tip for dental care is to change the tooth brush regularly and to choose proper toothpastes.

A proper make up tip can change a persons look completely and can also enhance one's personality to great extent. Effective make up tip can do the magic and can add to the confidence of that person. Make up tips involves skin care tips, hair care tips, eye care, hand and feet care etc. Proper use of good and branded beauty products can enhance one's beauty. One should use beauty remedies to brighten the skin, which is a part and parcel of the make up. One should take care of the hair style to add to the make up. The hand and feet should also be properly taken care of to enhance the make up.

Eye make up tips help in beautifying the eyes of a person to great extent. Different websites offer information on eye make up products such as information on mascara, eye liner, eye shadows, eye make up remover etc. Choosing of proper eye make up product can enhance the eye make up to great extent. Taking good care of eyes is also an integral part of the eye make up. A good night's sleep can be very effective in resulting in a proper eye make up.

Different websites now offer free make up tips. One can browse through the net to get information on free make up samples, free make up coupons, free beauty products. Different websites and fashion magazines offer free tips on make up and skin care. These if applied effectively can be beneficial to many people. Free make up tips also include information on make up products used by celebrities. Many celebrities share information on their beauty regime in different websites.

Skin care tips can eradicate the skin problems for ever for many customers. One effective skin care tip is to drink a lot of water during the day. It leaves one's skin with a healthy glow. Pamper your skin with proper skin products. Skin care tips can be useful to many people who have regular skin problems. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can be helpful for getting healthy skin.

With any kind of health tips a person can get cured from ailments. Health tips can be an effective way of healthy living. Websites offer opinions of many renowned doctors regarding health issues some of them being extremely useful to the clients. Health tips eradicates various health problems and diseases for ever.

Hair tips if used effectively can erase hair loss and various hair problem for ever. Hair fall, dandruff problems can be permanently cured by the proper usage of hair care products. A good advice from a hair expert or a proper hair care tip can help in maintaining the growth of a damaged hair caused by coloring.


Posted by Sobia Junaid

Originating in India, Yoga is an ancient physical and mental discipline which has been practiced for centuries by people all over the world. Yoga is good for the mind as well as for the body. It has been extensively discussed in various ancient Hindu texts like the Vedas. Yoga can be categorized as:

  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Raja Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga.
Yoga has been accepted worldwide for its positive effects on human health. It rejuvenates your body and benefits you in various ways.
It involves a series of asanas and pranayams. Asanas are various poses of exercises and pranayams relate to different breathing techniques. It also involves meditation and chanting. As one ventures into the world of yoga, one will come across terms such as Chakras, Bandhas and Mudras. Yoga has been universally accepted as a science. Benefits of Yoga can be counted on to get cured of certain diseases, such as
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Boosts immunity
  • Provides relaxation
  • Mitigates stress levels in the body
  • improves the tone of muscles in the body
  • Provides radiance to the skin
  • Improves metabolism
  • Brings about mental peace
  • Heals old injuries and physical discomfort
  • Improves concentration power
  • Increases tolerance to pain
  • Slows down aging process.
Yoga provides natural remedy to various sicknesses like:
  • Asthma
  • Epilepsy
  • Constipation
  • Bronchitis
  • Hypertension
  • Colitis
  • Anemia
  • Obesity
  • Backbone problems
  • Hepatitis
  • Diabetes
  • Migraine
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Prostatomegaly
  • Insomnia
  • Anorexia
  • Kidney stone.
Yoga has gained popularity worldwide, in fact the National Institute of Health (United States) recommends Yoga under "alternative medicines" ( There are numerous yoga clinics. You can either join a clinic or go for learning yoga under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher. If you are looking for Yoga schools or Yoga teachers in the United States, you may check at YogaAlliance.Org. However, remember that just like any other fitness regimen yoga too demands a lot of discipline and dedication.

In fact, it you want to keep age at bay, and stay healthy—yoga and meditation would be the perfect choice for you. We at Beauty Tips Hub have tried to provide you the complete guide to beauty that would help you stay young and beautiful.

Beauty Parlours

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Speed is one word that defines life in our times. We have fast foods and "shortcuts" everywhere. Gone are the days when we could sit for hours to complete our beauty care regimen. Time comes at a premium. This is where beauty parlors or beauty parlours have a huge role to play.

From styling your hair, to shaping your eye brows, removing unwanted body or facial hair, to getting "facials"-beauty parlours have a whole range of beauty care treatments to offer you. It's not as if you cannot do a facial at Beauty Tips-the point is you may not enough time.

Also, just as your personality matters a great deal so does your appearance. A well groomed appearance goes a long way in creating an "impression" on our friends, peers, colleagues-in short, the people we deal with.

It cannot be ignored that when we choose the services of a beautician at a beauty parlour, we are opting for the services of a trained professional. This is, obviously, a better choice.
The beauty parlour, also called beauty salon, offer various beauty treatments to clients. These treatments range from manicure, pedicure and threading to massages, spas, wraps, hair styling, facial and waxing to name a few. The nature and variety of treatments offered vary from one parlor to the other, depending on the infrastructure, the parlor equipment used, the interests of clientele, the demand of the market and other factors.

Some provide hair styling, body treatments and therapies while a few specialize in there area of work such as in hair salon and spas. A few parlours also offer slimming, human hair extension, aroma therapy, grooming, botox treatment, and chemical peeling, and makeover and Ayurvedic services as well.

In order to provide maximum customer satisfaction, the beauty parlours, especially the larger brands use the latest in beauty parlour furniture and beauty parlor equipment. While the furniture, furnishing and interior designing provide comfortable ambience, the equipments and the expertise of the beauticians ensure that the standard of services is always maintained. There are websites like BeautySalonList.Info that offer you guides to finding beauty salons in your locality.


Posted by Sobia Junaid

Solus per Aqua' - wondering what this might be? Well, acronym for this term is Spa. If you are a Honeymooning couple and want a wine bath in a cozy couple suite with orchids and rose petals all around – that isn’t impossible to achieve. Till 10 years back people just mocked at the idea of natural healing; in fact they were skeptical about its benefits. Today people are looking at alternate healing solutions to cope with the stress of daily life. Who doesn’t want to get de-stressed? If you have all the resources to feel good, what are you waiting for? Of late, the middle class is doing it in style to make sure ‘they live in style’. Spas are no longer meant only for the rich and the famous. It has started dripping downwards – even to the middle class segment.

India's southern-most states have particularly gripped the spa phenomenon with a mix of Ayurveda. In these areas, where Ayurveda is the main form of medical treatment, hotels, resorts and hospitals design packages ranging from a weekend to a month to introduce Americans, Europeans and East Asians to ancient massages, medication and yoga.
The different kinds of spa treatments available are

Destination Spa - Destination spa is set up in a manner to make you feel refreshed at all levels, giving the fitness of body and mind, as well as making you practice healthy eating, which in a way guarantees complete relaxation. This is not a one-day ecstasy that you experience, rather takes you to a whole new beautiful world, for at least two to three nights, making you totally de-stressed where no troubles or botherations tend to give you tensions.

Resort Spa – This one is described as one of the hotel facilities meant for comforting and giving convenience to the tourists. It gives you spa services, couples with fitness classes and a usual spa cuisine. After a lot of travel, this happens to be the apt treatment for business travelers and families.

Day Spa - A day spa offers services on a one-day basis. This is availed on a daily basis. Spa manicures and pedicures, facial and body massage are some of the treatments people and avail from a day spa.

Health Spa – It looks after the overall health needs of a person. The location is usually a very peaceful one with adept advice from practitioners.

Medical Spa - Medical spa focuses mainly on cosmetic treatments like laser resurfacing and Botox injections. Not only these medical facilities, they have spa treatment facilities as well. All the treatments are rendered to individuals under the close supervision of a doctor.

Mineral Springs Spa – Characterized by its name, a mineral springs spa uses natural mineral, thermal or seawater to give to offer hydrotherapy treatments to the spa users.

Cruise Ship Spa – This service is available aboard a cruise ship. Barring the usual spa treatments, it comprises fitness and wellness components and varied spa cuisine menu choices.

Airport Spa – It is provided at the airport, to give short duration treatments to the tired travelers. The most common treatments are the 15-minute chair massage and oxygen therapy

Skin clinics

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Have you always dreamt of a smooth, flawless skin with an age-defying glow? If you have, we'd say stop dreaming and start acting upon it! That's right. You can now make your dream come true by stepping into a professional Skin Clinic in your neighborhood. With the help of Skin Experts in these highly advanced Skin Clinics, you can opt for any of the skin enhancement procedures and perfect the skin you already have.

There are many skin clinics located in different parts of the world that provide a whole range of beauty services. No two clinics may offer the same set of services, though you may come across some common skin treatments.

Some of the treatments offered at these skin clinics are:
  • More than anything else, it is our skin that faces the brunt of harsh environment and our stressful lifestyle. This can often result in a dull and lifeless skin. Skin polishing and brightening is an effective technology that is availed by many for regaining natural glow and skin clarity.
  • Since the facial skin is prone to harsh surroundings, face rejuvenation is extremely helpful is revitalizing facial skin within minutes making the skin feel fresh and new.
  • Eyes can expose your real age, so besides taking good care of skin, it is important to pamper your eyes. Most of the clinics dealing with skin treatments offer eye rejuvenation services.
  • Anti-aging treatments are offered in most of clinics across the world.
  • Smart solutions are also offered in terms of getting rid of skin problems like pimples, blackheads, pigmentation and scars.
  • There are many cosmetic clinics offering the benefits of skin surgery, implantations and reshaping of skin parts.


Posted by Sobia Junaid

A nice massage that caters to an ailing neck, shoulder or back muscles is nothing short of a "wonder treatment" for many. There is nothing like a good massage to help you relax, as it circulates blood and refreshes your mind, body and soul.

A massage is a superficial treatment on the surface of the body that involves finger movements on the affected areas. These are generally performed for relieving cramps, muscle stiffness and spasms. Often a good massage can relax your pains and aches and reduce stress and anxiety.

Massage facts:

  • Some of the basic massage techniques include finger movement techniques in the form of stroking, kneading, and rubbing. These methods provide physical stimulation and emotional healing.
  • There are certain massage therapies meant only for some areas of the body; those massages follow particular techniques.
  • Stimulating lymphatic system is possible by following certain massage procedures.
  • The choice of massage oils is very essential for the massage

Types of Massages:

There are many types of massages, well known around the world. These are generalized according to their eastern and western origin. While the eastern massages mainly deal with understanding the body energy, the western massages are concerned with anatomical understanding of the human body.

Some common eastern types of massage:

  • Shiatsu- this is a Japanese massage where fingers create pressure following a rhythm on the acupuncture meridians. The pressure points are held for 2-8 seconds; it helps to regain body balance and enhances the energy flow.
  • Acupressure- this is a beneficial bodywork which is based on the traditional Chinese meridian theory where acupuncture points are hard-pressed for stimulating the energy flow or chi.
  • Polarity- this therapy is a combination of healing bodywork, dietary modifications and yoga styled exercises. Tui Na and Jin Shin Do are two other massage types.

Some common western types of massage:

  • Swedish-this consists of five different strokes and their variations.
  • Neuromuscular Therapy-this balances the nervous system of the body.
  • Myofascial Release- relieves tension in the body tissues.

There are many more types of massage techniques apart from what has been mentioned above. Browse through our pages to learn more about the different types of massage.

Note: It is important to remember that all massages may not be suitable for everybody. So it is important to avail massage therapy under proper guidance from an expert.

To learn more about massages read through our pages on Types of Massage and Massage Oils.


Posted by Sobia Junaid

Does your body muscle ache at the end of the day often crying for relief from stress? Then you do have a reason for indulging in the therapeutic pleasures of Aromatherapy. Relax and rejuvenate with pure goodness of nature and feel like a "blessed soul"!

Key components of Aromatherapy:

Since Aromatherapy improves the over all well being of an individual by relieving stress, anxiety, fear, depression, it has become a major natural remedy for many across the globe. Simple and effective, Aromatherapy comprises the following ingredients, take a look:
  • Essential Oils- these are very important in Aromatherapy. The essential oils can be used during bath, massage or burned in oil burner to create a fragrant ambiance. These are normally processed from different plant parts. The essential oils are often undiluted, so applying them without carrier oil can cause irritation and skin reactions.
  • Carrier Oils- these are usually known as base or vegetable oil and are used for diluting the essential oils, Absolutes and C02's. Carrier oils are actually hardened vegetable oils, extracted from the plant fatty portions. Apricot Kernel, Avocado, Sweet Almond, Grape seeds are some of the carrier oils used in Aromatherapy.

Effective Aromatherapy at Beauty Tips:
  • Make your own Beauty Tipsmade mixture for aromatherapy. Mix 3-4 drops of essential oil and 2 tablespoons of almond oil (carrier oil) and massage on the affected areas. Relax and feel the aroma during the massage.
  • Use Tea Tree and Lavender oil in your house for healing minor burns and cuts.
Aromatherapy precautions:
  • Some of the essential oils used in aromatherapy are much like medicines; there effects can be powerful and should be used with care.
  • Do not apply undiluted essential oil directly to the skin, because these are normally concentrated and can cause skin irritation. Dilute in carrier oil before application.
  • The essential oils can be lethal if ingested so keep them out of children's reach.
  • Keep the oil dosage restrained during aromatherapy. Essential oils are very powerful so always use small amounts.
  • The essential oil should be used carefully used during pregnancy or those suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Store the essential oils in a proper place where there is no possibility of fire.
Benefits of Aromatherapy:
  • Relieves muscular aches and pains
  • Circulation is greatly improved.
  • Gets rid of body cellulite and toxins
  • Reduces stress, anxiety and depression
  • Revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin
  • Promotes hair growth and reduces dandruffs.

Caution: Before using any essential oil, do a skin patch test. Consult an aromatherapist if necessary but do not take any risk with powerful essential oils.

Bridal Tips

Posted by Sobia Junaid

Bridal tips are really indispensable for any bride-to-be. She would approach the elders in the family, ask her friends, go through magazines for brides, or simply walk into the beauty parlor to splurge on various beauty care treatments for brides. If your wedding is around the corner and you are looking for bridal tips, we suggest that you go through the ones that we at Beauty Tips Hub have provided for you.

A perfect wedding is what all girls dream of and this important occasion is looked upon as the time to splurge, to get pampered and be the centre of attraction! This is the reason why bridal beauty tips are so sought after.

Bridal Makeup Tips

The concept of bridal wedding tips for beauty is often misinterpreted by many as limited only to bridal makeup and the way the bride looks on her wedding day, including the wedding dress and wedding jewelry. This is however, a part of the entire bridal beauty regimen incorporating various bridal tips that the bride-to-be must follow religiously everyday, beginning at least six months prior to the main day
  • On the wedding day, make-up and concealers hide most of the flaws (if any), but what is most important is to appear dew-fresh with a beautiful glow from within. This is not a difficult task but what is required is total dedication towards yourself.
  • So, if your wedding is about six or eight months away, then begin with getting plenty of sleep everyday to avoid dark circles under the eyes. Besides, drink 10-12 glasses of water every day to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Using hair care packs that suit your hair type, and hot oil turban treatment, are some of the things you need to do to rejuvenate your hair. You may experiment with different hair cuts and styles to find out which hair style suits you the best. Major beauty parlors and hair stylists have hair design software that helps you "try out" hair styles in the virtual space. You do not have to have a hair cut to try out a new hair style.
  • Choose the right cosmetics for the wedding; do not compromise on the quality of the cosmetics. Select a type of make up that matches your skin type and your skin color.
  • Get manicures, pedicures, facials and glycolic peels done, to give your face, hands and feet a radiant glow and supple look that will make others go green with envy! Taking up a cleaning, toning and moisturizing regimen every day. Use a sunscreen lotion before going out.
  • You should also eat a balanced diet that includes the right proportion of proteins, fresh fruits and fruit juices, dry fruits and nuts, salads and green leafy vegetables. You may consult a dietitian for this purpose.
  • Shedding those extra pounds is also helpful. A combination of Pilates and yoga can be a great way to loose weight. Do not choose weight loss pills or similar products to loose weight. Remember, loose weight the healthy way. There are no shortcuts to a good figure.
  • Choose your bridal wear carefully. The shade, texture and color of your wedding dress should complement your figure and skin color. This includes bridal footwear, too. Complete your wedding planning well in advance-from the shade of nail enamel to the eye shadow that you will wear on your wedding day. Last minute goof ups can seriously hamper your wedding plans.
  • If you are planning a theme wedding, say for example, a beach wedding-you should design your wedding dress, wedding footwear and wedding jewelry to match the theme of your wedding.
  • There are numerous beauty salons offering bridal hair care programs and other bridal packages that include bridal mehndi, bridal hairstyle and bridal eye makeup. These bridal packages help you to groom yourself for the most precious day of your life. You may join a bridal make over program about a month before your wedding